Thursday, September 8, 2011

Holy Competition

So last week, a lot of people from my church took part in a Labor Day Basketball tournament.  The younger division's speaker had to cancel at the last minute and for a minute there, I thought I was going to have to share a message.  As I prayed and looked through the Bible for ideas, I stumbled across this incredible and amazing verse.

Now, before I give you the verse I have a question for you.  Are you a competitive person?  I used to think that I wasn't.  When I play sports, I do like to win.  But I've never been the guy who is losing his temper on the court.  Even when I'm playing against people that are a lot smaller than I am, I usually get walked all over because I just plain don't get aggressive enough.

But lately, I've been realizing I'm competitive in other ways.  I get competitive in debates and arguments.  I love being able to prove my point.  I get crazy competitive when talking about the Bible and anything to do with it.  If you're an Arminian I will throw all five points of Calvinism at you with a passion if you open up that conversation.  So I am competitive, just in a different way.  So, maybe you're not competitive in the traditional sports way, but what about video games, board games, work in the office, debates, or the way you dress?  How are you competitive?

Did you know the Bible encourages you to be competitive?

"Love one another with brotherly affection.  Outdo one another in showing honor."  Romans 12:10

Outdo one another in showing honor!  What a cool verse!  You want to compete?  You want to outdo the people around you?  You want to be the best?  God wants that for you too!  But He doesn't want you to strive with all you have to be the best dressed, the Uno champion, or the guy with the most trinkets on his desk at work.  None of those things are necessarily bad, but there is a different contest God wants you to compete in.  When God sits back on His sofa in heaven and turns on the TV to watch the game, He's not watching the Cubs or the Bulls to see the next grand slam or slam dunk.  He's watching us to see the who will swallow their pride.  He's watching us to see who will show respect to the people who disrespect them.

Imagine what it would look like if we all got competitive in showing honor!  What would happen if you and your friends at school or work decided to constantly try to one up each other in treating people well.  That would be something.  That would make us the kind of people others like to be around.  We'd all start looking a lot more like Christ.  So let's live our lives as if our Heavenly Father is in the stands watching and cheering us on when we honor the people around us.  Let's compete for the greatest Judge to give us the highest score, because this is something God has commanded us to outdo each other in.

So... do you honor the people around you?   How can you tell?

Are there specific people you honor less than others?  How can you begin treating them with honor and respect?

What would it look like to take honoring others to the extreme in your home, school, church, and workplace?

What are some steps you can take today to start racking up some points from God in this holy competition?

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